St. Stephen’s (Upper Culpeper Region)

at Priest-in-Charge
Location Catlett
Date Posted April 25, 2024
Category Virginia (Shirley Smith-Graham)
Job Type Half Time
Setting Town
Compensation 32,833
Diocesan Compensation Info
Health Benefits None
Housing Housing Allowance
Is there a rectory? No
Equity Allowance No
Communicants in Good Standing 87
Average Sunday Attendance 23
Child Population in Church School 9
Adult Population in Church School 10
Teacher Population in Church School 2
Budget 177,587


Additional comments re: compensation, benefits and housing.

There is flexibility to this position. It could be half-time if clergy doesn't need health benefits, or quarter-time if health benefits are needed. The vestry is committed to revitalization work. Vestry realizes the description is bigger than what can be done with number of hours currently offered. Full description is offered with the hope that the clergyperson will identify what they can do well, partnering with the vestry, and mutually agree what work will need to happen later or differently.

Liturgical style and practice

Liturgical style and practice: Traditional


St. Stephen’s Church of Cedar Run Parish is a welcoming, inclusive, and friendly Episcopal Church community in Catlett, Virginia.

We are committed to celebrating God’s grace in the world, inviting others to be a friend of Christ, and restoring people to unity with God.  Our church has a long history within our community, as we have been part of Catlett since 1842.  Many of our current parishioners can trace their family’s connection to St. Stephen’s back multiple generations.  This sense of family and connectedness is one of the main things parishioners report as a strength of St. Stephen’s.

Our location, in the countryside in Fauquier County, is picturesque and truly speaks to the majesty of God’s creation.  Our property, which includes our Church, our Parish Hall, St. Stephen’s Pre-School, Children’s Playground, Fare Harvest (a large community garden) and Rectory at the intersection of Greenwich and Old Dumfries Roads, making us convenient for both those that live locally and those in neighboring towns for worship.

We have a vibrant Pre-School, which we consider the heartbeat of our church, has the potential to bring in young families to our congregation.  Our goal is to find a Priest in-Charge who can help us tap in to this potential, as well as the tremendous potential of our growing local community.

There is also a significant local Hispanic community which we think may be under-served and we are open to the possibility of offering a Spanish-language service.

We currently offer two services on Sunday morning: 8am and 10am (with music at 10 am). Adult Christian Education is in the Parish Hall between the services each week.  We have been offering a children’s service the first Sunday of each month which includes children’s music, a children’s homily, and activities for the children.

St. Stephen’s supports our local community.  Members of our congregation sponsor a “Redemption Diner” each month which feeds local families and we continually collect for the Fauquier Food Bank.

We also host a variety of community outreach programs throughout the year.


St. Stephen’s, like many churches, has seen a decline in membership over the last decade.  Many of our former parishioners have either moved out of the area or have passed away.  We continue to struggle with bringing young families into our congregation.  We seek a Priest-in-Charge who can guide us into a period of growth.  We continue to seek strategies to expand our reach.

The need for growth directly connects to our struggle to maintain financial stability.  A combination of increased expenses and required capital improvements coupled with a decrease in our annual income has forced us to start to draw from our investment income to stay operational.


We are seeking a Priest-In-Charge who:

  1. Will go into the community and help us take church to the people—get involved w/ community events, connect to local organizations, and evangelize.
  2. Who understands what youth and young adults need from a church and has ideas as to how to make connections with these groups of people.
  3. With strong spiritual and preaching/teaching skills, able to give sermons that people can understand and apply to their own lives.
  4. Who respects the traditions of the church while at the same time is open to exploring different types and styles of worship.

Contact Information

Contact the Rev. Shirley Smith Graham,, 804-622-3180. To apply, please email a letter expressing interest, OTM, and resume.