St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church

at Rector
Location Chatham
Date Posted July 1, 2024
Category Massachusetts (Martha Hubbard, Kelly O'Connell, Gregory Perez)
Job Type Full Time
Setting Town
Compensation $154485
Diocesan Compensation Info
Health Benefits Full Family
Housing Negotiable
Is there a rectory? No
Equity Allowance No
Communicants in Good Standing 451
Average Sunday Attendance 198
Child Population in Church School 0
Adult Population in Church School 0
Teacher Population in Church School 0
Budget 669,004


Additional comments re: compensation, benefits and housing.

St. Christopher's is open and able to address the housing needs and preferences of our new rector. The range of solutions includes but is not limited to a rectory, assistance with the purchase of a property by the new rector, and/or a housing allowance.

Liturgical style and practice

St. Christopher’s celebrates two Sunday worship services: a spoken Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. in Sibley Chapel and a Choral Eucharist at 10 a.m. in the main sanctuary. Rite II is used at both services, and Healing Prayer is offered at the 10 am service. Poems and portions of the New Zealand prayer book are occasionally used. On Tuesday mornings, Morning Prayer with Bible Study is led by clergy and lay members. A well-attended Contemplative service is conducted via Zoom on Wednesday mornings.

Throughout the year, several different services are held. During the Christmas season, a Blue Christmas service for those suffering loss is meaningful to many. Choral Evensong and Celtic Services as well as Advent Lessons and Carols, Ash Wednesday, and Holy Week services are offered. Ascension Day and All Souls and All Saints Day provide other opportunities that contribute to our liturgy. Ecumenical services held on the beach bring us out into our seaside community.

Our worship is enriched by various lay ministries. Vergers, Lay Readers and Ushers as well as the Altar Guild participate in all services. Fresh bread is part of the Eucharist at the 10 a.m. service and is baked by members of the parish. The Flower Guild arranges the flowers for Sunday services and delivers them to parishioners.


St. Christophers is a warm and welcoming community.  The congregation is committed to support the work of the church and its outreach with their time, talent and treasure.  We enjoy one another’s company and fellowship.  We enjoy learning and expanding our thinking.  All of this and more brings us together.  We laugh easily and care deeply.  We are grateful for all that we have and feel a responsibility to give back.  We are involved in addressing environmental issues facing the Cape as well as homelessness and food insecurity.


  • To broaden and deepen our spiritual education
  • To continue and develop our pastoral care services
  • To create a strategic plan for the future of St. Christopher’s
  • To increase stewardship participation and continue to build our endowment
  • To embrace and balance the needs of summer and year-round residents in our programs
  • To provide a path for newcomers, youth, and young families to be included in lay ministries and fellowship
  • To encourage participation in hands-on projects in our community
  • To expand our environmental efforts beyond our parish


Contact Information

To apply: Please submit your letter of application, Resume or CV, links to sermons and OTM form to Edwin McCausland via email, on or before August 30, 2024

Questions may be directed to:

Edwin McCausland, Chairman Search Committee

154 Mill Creek Road, South Chatham, MA 02659

Phone: (614) 203-3200
